Wet Paint
The manuscript Wet Paint was probably written by Phillips in the late 1920's or early 1930's. The typescript from which these web pages are derived is not dated, but many references in the work suggest a date of 1929 or 1930. No doubt, after the publication of The Technique of the Color Woodcut (1926), Phillips hoped to publish another book on the technique of watercolour painting. It was probably submitted to Thomas Nelson and Company, but was never published. A notation on the title page of the manuscript indicates the name of this publisher.
The manuscript is presented here in its entirety. Whenever possible, I have added the watercolours that Phillips listed as 'illustrations.' In many instances, the whereabouts of the works mentioned is unknown. In such cases, I have reproduced the caption that Phillips wrote, in the hope that the work and its location can one day be identified.